Hortensia Calvo
Doris Stone Librarian and Director
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library

Primary Responsibilities
The Director of the Latin American Library oversees policy, budgets, operations, collections, acquisitions, fundraising, public relations, a visiting research fellowship program, and the work of six permanent staff. She provides leadership and vision in developing programs and services related to Latin American Studies; maintains professional contacts appropriate to the mission of the Library; and represents Tulane University in local, national and international forums related to Latin American libraries and librarianship. She is also Executive Director of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM), the foremost professional association for Latin American research libraries worldwide, and whose headquarters is hosted by Tulane University.
About Hortensia Calvo
Hortensia Calvo has been the Doris Stone Director of the Latin American Library since 2003. She holds a Licenciatura in Philosophy from the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, an MA in Spanish and Spanish American literature from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a PhD in Spanish from Yale University. Her research interests and publications include the Spanish and Spanish American literary Baroque, and the social history of books and print culture in Latin America. She is also the co-author of Cartas de Lysi: La mecenas de Sor Juana en correspondencia inédita (Madrid: Vervuert-Iberoamericana, 2015), a critical edition of recently discovered correspondence by María Luisa Manrique de Lara y Gonzaga, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’ mentor. Before coming to Tulane she taught literature at Princeton University and served as Librarian for Latin America and Iberia at Duke, where she also taught in the Romance Studies Department. At Tulane she oversees all administrative functions, collection policies, programs and services of the Latin American Library. Since 2006, she serves as Executive Director of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM).