LAL News

Sabina da Cruz: Life and Strategies of a Freed African in Slave-Holding Bahia
The research focuses on the story of Sabina da Cruz, a freed African woman who denounced the Malês Revolt, an insurrection by Muslim Africans, which occurred in Bahia, Brazil, in January 1835. This character's trajectory allows us to reflect on sociability, agency, and legal restrictions imposed on freed African women, as well as the strategies they deployed to remain free and autonomous in… (read more)

Invention and Innovation in the Altiplano of the Andes, 1587-1620: The Roots of Legacy Mercury in our Environment?
Invention and Innovation in the Altiplano of the Andes, 1587-1620: The Roots of Legacy Mercury in our Environment?
Of the six refining recipes for silver ores implemented on an industrial scale prior to the end of the 19c, three were the product of an extremely fruitful period of invention and innovation that took place around Potosi, in present day Bolivia, during the two… (read more)

“It is the SALALM book, 5 k’atuns completed at Tulane”
On June 8-12, the Latin American Library hosted SALALM 69, the annual meeting of the international professional association dedicated to academic… (read more)