A Moment of Reflection: Emma Fick’s “From Within” Installation at Tulane University Library

In a space designed for focused learning, artist Emma Fick introduces an unexpected and profound moment of introspection with her latest installation, From Within. The three-piece stained glass artwork, now a permanent feature at the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, offers visitors a brief pause—a visual invitation to reflect, ponder, and appreciate the fluidity of knowledge.

Fick’s creation merges the timeless beauty of stained glass with modern artistic sensibilities. From Within pays homage to classic notions of enlightenment, symbolizing how knowledge, much like light, guides us toward new ways of seeing the world. Nestled within the library's grand architecture, these stained glass pieces gently pull the viewer’s eye, creating a moment of pause amid a bustling academic environment.

The triptych design draws inspiration from the kaleidoscope, representing the ever-changing and multifaceted nature of knowledge. Each panel of From Within plays with contrasts: the interior, with its geometric precision, represents the more concrete disciplines like mathematics and sciences, while the abstract shapes around the edges symbolize the arts and humanities. This interplay between order and abstraction mirrors the interdisciplinary approach essential to deep learning.

Fick herself sees the piece as a portal for contemplation, hoping it provides a moment of “rest, reflection, and joy” for library visitors. Whether students are absorbed in study or simply passing through, From Within stands as a gentle reminder that learning, much like a kaleidoscope, shifts with every new perspective.

Alongside From Within, Fick’s In Search of Language, a mobile installation, complements the stained glass by further exploring the theme of how we grasp and communicate knowledge. Together, these pieces create a serene, thought-provoking environment that enriches the learning experience at Tulane.


Published: 9/26/2024
