Tulane University Special Collections Upcoming Events
TUSC collaborates with faculty, students, and organizations to create a range of public programming. Learn more about our public outreach efforts here.
Flipping the Bird: Turning of the pages of J.J. Audubon's Birds of America with special guest
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 | 9:00 - 9:50 am
6th floor of the Howard -Tilton Library
Please join TUSC's Curator of Rare Books, Agnieszka Czeblakow, Dr. Donata Henry (Ecology and Evol Biology Dept.), and a very special winged guest on the 6th floor of the Howard Tilton Memorial Library on April 12 (Wednesday) for the turning of the pages of Audubon’s Birds of America. Meet our special guest, see what bird will be revealed, and stick around for a short talk about birds, books, and J.J. Audubon presented by students in Dr. Henry’s biology courses. For more information, contact Agnieszka Czeblakow at aczeblakow@tulane.edu
In the Archives: Researching and Learning with Primary Source Materials about New Orleans
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Louis Prima Room, Jones Hall, Room 306
6801 Freret Street, Jones Hall
This workshop is an introduction to archives for novice users. It also provides a hands-on experience for attendees to engage with primary source materials, and to answer research questions related to holdings from the Hogan Archive of New Orleans Music and New Orleans Jazz, a unit of Tulane University Special Collections. If you're curious about what archives are, why they're interesting and can benefit you, and the importance of archives about New Orleans music and culture, this session is for you. Led by Melissa A. Weber, Hogan Archive curator. Registration is required to attend.
Opening reception for the exhibit “I Shall Not Be Moved”: Black Student Life at Tulane, 1963-2023”
Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Tulane University Special Collections 2nd Floor Gallery,
6801 Freret Street, Jones Hall
Tulane University Special Collections is pleased to partner with the Tulane Black Student Union to mount a new exhibition that highlights and contextualizes Black student life at Tulane. “I Shall Not Be Moved”: Black Student Life at Tulane, 1963-2023 opens April 20, 2023, with a public reception from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at the Tulane University Special Collections 2nd Floor Gallery.
Libraries, Archives, and the Academy
Tuesday, April 25 | 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Dixon Annex Recital Hall and Zoom
Leon Miller, TUSC curator of the Louisiana Research Collection, will participate in the panel “Libraries, Archives, and the Academy.” The panel is the 2nd event in the 3-part series” Invisible Influencers: Examining Absence in Popular Narratives.” Inspired by the absence of Joseph Bologne, and Chevalier de Saint Georges, from the musical canon, the series examines the presence and absence of popular historical narratives, the interdependencies between libraries, archives, and the academy, and their complicity in sustaining or disrupting popular narratives. The other panelists are Sakinah Davis, Assistant Professor of Voice at the Xavier University of Louisiana; Elizabeth McMahon, Associate Professor of History at Tulane University; and Rachel Stein, Scholarly Engagement Librarian at Tulane University Libraries.
For more information and to register: https://tulane.libcal.com/event/10627190
Opening reception for an exhibit on Fairy Tale Illustrations
Thursday, April 27, 2023 | 12:30 - 1:45 pm
6th floor lobby, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Tulane University
7001 Freret Street
In collaboration with Agnes Czeblakow and TUSC, Media Services will host an upcoming student exhibit on the art of fairy tale illustrations organized by undergraduate students in the Spring 2023 course “Grimm Reckonings: The Development of the German Fairy Tale.” Come see images from your favorite stories by celebrated 19th and 20th-c. artists such as Gustave Doré, Wanda Gág, Alexander Afanasyev, Anne Anderson, Edmund Dulac, Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane, and Margaret Tarrant. The exhibit opens on April 27, 2023, with a public reception from 12:30 - 1:45 pm in the 6th floor lobby of Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.
Jivin’ with Dr. Daddy-O
Friday, April 28, 2023 | 9:15 - 10:45 am
Library of Congress
Washington, DC
Melissa, Weber, curator of the Hogan Archive of New Orleans Music and Jazz, will present the paper “Jivin’ with Dr. Daddy-O: Race, Radio, and Representing Black in Jim Crow New Orleans” at the 2023 Radio Preservation Task Force conference. Vernon Winslow was a Dillard University art professor who transformed himself in 1949 into Dr. Daddy-O, the first Black radio disc jockey to host his own program on New Orleans airwaves. Free and open to the public.
Image: Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf Dressed as Her Grandmother by Gustave Doré.
Published on 4/11/2023