2024 Centennial Celebration of Latin American Studies at Tulane
The LAL and the Middle American Research Institute (MARI) are developing a joint exhibit commemorating the centennial of Latin American Studies at Tulane. The exhibit is scheduled to open on 9 June 2024 in tandem with the annual meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) in New Orleans. With the support of the Yvette Jones Endowed Fund, LAL Director Hortensia Calvo and MARI Director Marcello Canuto are working with exhibition designer Elizabeth Etienne of San Francisco to develop an engaging and visually exciting exhibition. Physically located at MARI (Dinwiddie Hall) and at LAL (4th floor, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library), the exhibit will play on contrasting and complementary institutional histories and approaches. Through key artifacts, books, manuscripts, maps, and images acquired and housed at the two institutions, the exhibit will tell the story of the development of Latin American Studies at Tulane since the founding of MARI in 1924.