Computer Availability

Virtual Software

AppsAnywhere is Tulane's software delivery and virtualization solution designed for students and faculty, enabling Tulane to deliver any app to any device, on and off campus.

AppsAnywhere is a one-stop web application– accessible on any device, anywhere– that gives students access to all of Tulane's software available to them. Due to COVID-19, most of the campus computer labs are decommissioned or have limited capacity. This software solution will allow students to log in to one place to access the applications they need to contribute to their academic success. 

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • ArcGiS
  • Audacity
  • Banner 
  • Canvas
  • EndNote
  • ENA 2020
  • Matlab 
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • RStudio
  • Solidworks 
  • SAS 
  • Stata 16
  • TrendMicro
  • Wolfram Mathmatica
  • Zoom


Computers in the Library

The Learning Commons on the 1st floor, designed for individual and collaborative group work, is equipped with limited PCs . The computers are equipped with the following software:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Audacity
  • Box
  • CrowdStrike
  • Google Chrome
  • Google Earth Pro
  • IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Matlab
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • R for Windows
  • Teams
  • VLC Media Player
  • Wolfram Mathematica
  • Zoom

When users login if they have an Adobe account already they are presented with the option to select either their “Personal” or “Work/School” account, much like what happens with e-mail and other services. They must choose “Work/School” in order to use the university license.

Active Tulane affiliates (i.e., currently enrolled or employed students, staff, and faculty) may access these computers with their Tulane username and password. For more information on using computers at the library, please review the Computer Use Policy.

Computer Policy

Responsible Use

All individuals should use the library computers responsibly in pursuit of academic functions. In doing so, they must not infringe on the rights or privacy of others or the integrity of the computer system, and they must abide by Technology Services' university-wide policy on use of computers and networks. The following list characterizes some, but not all, unacceptable uses of computers in the Library:

  • Repeated use for non-academic or non-research purposes by non-Tulane affiliates.

  • Downloading or installing software to hard drives.

  • Deliberately altering any files or modifying the configuration of any Library workstation or peripheral.

  • Violations of the Library computer security or network integrity, including attempts to bypass network security, obtain passwords, share passwords with others, or the unauthorized use of passwords.

  • Destruction or damage of computer equipment, or the removal of any part of the Library computer workstations.

  • Use of two or more library computers simultaneously

  • Connecting personal computers, laptops, or other devices to the Library network.

  • Game playing, including interactive games

  • Copying any copyright-protected digital content

  • Any illegal activity

Any individual found to be using the computers to the distraction of another user or limiting access to the computer for the research purposes of another user, will be required to cease the activity, unless they can demonstrate that they are completing an academic assignment for a Tulane University class. Repeated violations by students, staff or faculty will be referred to the appropriate campus disciplinary body. Violations by non-affiliated users will be referred to the Department of Public Safety and violators may be removed from the campus.