Through reciprocal borrowing, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library can often obtain borrowing privileges for Tulane students and faculty at other libraries and lend materials directly to students and faculty from other institutions. This is possible through the programs listed below, which each have their own eligibility requirements.
LOUIS: The Louisiana Libraries Network: A LOUIS reciprocal borrowing agreement enables academic libraries within Louisiana to share resources and services such as borrowing. To participate, undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty from LOUIS member universities need to obtain a LOUIS Borrowing Card from their home library. Tulane faculty and graduate students can obtain a Borrowing Card from the Check-Out Desk on the first floor of Howard-Tilton.
OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program: This program is offered to faculty at participating institutions and provides borrowing privileges and on-site access to the collections of other participating academic research libraries. It is not a part of the OCLC Interlibrary Loan service. Faculty must first acquire an OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program card from their home library to make use of the privileges at another participating institution. See this list of participating institutions.
TU/LU (Tulane/Loyola Undergraduate Cooperative Borrowing Project): This program is for undergraduate students at Tulane University and Loyola University of New Orleans. It covers borrowing at Tulane's Howard-Tilton Memorial Library and at Loyola's J. Edgar and Louise S. Monroe Library. To participate, undergraduate students at the two universities need to obtain a TU/LU card from their home library. Tulane undergraduate students can obtain a TU/LU card from the Check-Out Desk on the first floor of Howard-Tilton. The business, medical, and law libraries at Tulane and the law library at Loyola are not participating in this project and the TU/LU card is not be honored at these libraries. TU/LU participants are provided with the loan periods from their home libraries and are responsible for any fees and fines associated with overdue or lost books.
Willow High School: Tulane has established a long-term commitment to and partnership with the Willow School. As part of this partnership, the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library works with the librarian and teachers at Willow High School to offer borrowing privileges and other services to Willow students in grades 9-12. Willow students are allowed to access the building Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 8:00 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Willow students are allowed to check out up to 25 books at one time. They are allowed to keep these books for four weeks.